Benjamin E. Hilbig
Professor of Psychology

Professor of Psychology
A note on open science: I greatly value and seek to promote open, transparent, and reproducible science. All papers listed below are either published open access and/or come with openly available re-/pre-prints (please use the "pdf"-links below). All empirical papers come with open materials, data, and code (for recent papers typically on the OSF; for older papers exhaustively described in the paper and/or accessible in an online supplement). Nonetheless, if materials or data are not available/accessible (more likely for older papers) or if you need additional/other results not reported on (e.g. for a meta-analysis), or want to re-use code/executables to re-run experiments in a direct replication, please do not hesitate to email me - I will be happy to provide whatever is needed. See here for my OSF profile.
I'm currently head of the
Experimental Psychology & Personality Lab
Department of Psychology
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
Office: K Building, Room 2.26
Fortstraße 7, D-76829 Landau, Germany
+49 (0)6341 280 34234 (phone), -34220 (secretary phone), -34240 (fax)
and co-PI of the
Research Training Group
Statistical Modeling in Psychology
funded by the German Research Foundation
I'm a social and behavioral scientist with a PhD in psychology. My training is in experimental/cognitive psychology, complemented by an interest in individual differences and a persistent soft spot for formal/statistical modeling. My substantive research interests do not really conform to any one discipline within psychology (and I've long stopped trying or pretending!), but most can be subsumed under the label judgment & decision making, a genuinely inter- and transdisciplinary field. Correspondingly, most of my papers are somewhere at the intersection(s) between experimental/cognitive psychology, social psychology, behavioral economics, and individual differences & personality (with occasional forays into the study of consumer choice, environmental behavior, or political attitudes). Beyond these substantive areas, I'm also interested in methods and methodology (including philosophy of science), meta-science, and research ethics.
Here are some keywords in no particular order - in fact, to be safe, in randomized order (refresh to be sure)!